Here at Davant Indy, we’ve discussed why print marketing is still crucial in the age of digital advertising. We’ve also talked about essential print marketing materials for a new business. In discussing these topics, we’ve done our best to convey how fundamental print marketing remains, even as so much of the overall marketing strategy moves toward digital advertising. One thing we haven’t discussed fully in-depth until now is where print marketing falls in a marketing strategy.

While many business owners view print marketing as an outdated and “old-fashioned” form of marketing, we are firm believers in the power of print marketing when effectively combined with a digital marketing strategy. Today, we’ll discuss the right way to integrate print with your digital marketing strategy to form an overall plan that packs a serious punch. Take these tips seriously, and you will create a strategy that is a true force to be reckoned with!

What is Print Marketing?

Before we discuss how to incorporate print marketing into your overall marketing, you must have a good idea of what this type of marketing entails. While many people still associate print with old-fashioned newspaper ads, print marketing is more than that. While newspaper ads are one approach you can take, there are dozens of creative and impactful printing methods you can use to boost your brand.

According to DMR, 39 percent of customers report that they have tried a business for the first time because of direct mail advertising, a popular print marketing method. In fact, over the last few decades, there have been many instances where intelligent print marketing strategies have generated better results than the most common digital marketing strategies.

Still, it is essential to note that newspaper ads and direct mailers are not your only options when diving into print marketing. Here are just a few other methods you can use to strengthen brand awareness, generate leads, and advertise your goods and services:

  • Brochures
  • Catalogs
  • Business cards
  • Newsletters
  • Banners
  • Postcards
  • Posters
  • Calendars

How to Grow Your Business With An Effective Print Marketing Strategy

So how can you grow your business using a powerful print marketing strategy? When used correctly, print marketing can have countless benefits. The right strategy can create an entirely new brand identity, reinforce an existing brand identity, reach more customers looking for your goods and services, and help you stand apart from your competitors.

Print marketing is especially effective when used in a local strategy. With a whopping 82 percent of customers reporting that they trust local print advertising, this marketing method is one of the most trusted mediums at your disposal. To truly build a loyal local following, you need to ensure that your community trusts your business.

How Does Print Fit Into Your Digital Marketing Plans to Upgrade Your Overall Marketing Strategy?

While you may have heard that print and digital marketing don’t mix well, nothing could be further from the truth. These two types of advertising can work well in conjunction to gain much better results than using one or the other exclusively. So, now that you understand what print marketing is and how it can impact your business, it’s time to discuss how print can fit into your overall marketing strategy, specifically when used in combination with good digital marketing techniques.

When building your overall strategy, try to find ways to use your digital strategy to complement your approach to print advertising. For example, creating a great landing page can be a reliable tool for your print advertising campaign. A high-quality landing page has a few specific goals: capturing leads, acquiring contact information for potential customers, and promoting special events, discounts, or featured products and services. Pairing this type of well-executed landing page with a well-thought-out print marketing campaign can cause your leads and conversions to skyrocket.

When thinking about how you can use your print marketing strategies to boost the quality of your results from digital marketing, keep in mind that while digital marketing is powerful, effective print advertising has been shown to hold a potential customer’s interest for much longer. Print materials such as brochures, postcards, and other print materials are often left out on countertops, which gives them a much longer lifespan than your digital marketing efforts. For this reason, you aren’t creating an overall marketing strategy that will generate the greatest return without using print and digital marketing together.

A Trusted Print Marketing Provider Makes All the Difference!

Now that you understand why print marketing is important, its benefits, and how you can use it in conjunction with your digital marketing strategy, it’s time to find a print advertising provider in Indiana that can help you create print materials that boost your business. Luckily, you’ve found the most trusted print marketing provider in Davant Indy!

Our expert graphic designers specialize in designing, printing, and mailing print advertising campaigns that hit the mark every time. Our staff takes the time to get to know your business and create print advertising campaigns that result in more paying customers. Take a look at our work to see what separates us from the competition.

Want to know what we can do for you? Contact us today to get started!

Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash