While the world of advertising may look a little different now that digital marketing has taken the world by storm, it’s still just as effective. Local print media like newspapers and magazines, for example, offer a valuable opportunity to reach a highly targeted audience. One of the biggest goals of any marketing campaign is to reach your target audience in an impactful way. While digital marketing is one way to accomplish this goal, local print advertising is an often overlooked way to bring in new customers.

Today, Davant Indy will present seven reasons you shouldn’t skip over advertising in local print media. Did you know that local newspaper advertising, for example, boosts marketing ROI (return on investment) by three times on average? You can profit tremendously when you know how to use local print media to your advantage. So, let’s get started!

1. Local Media Creates Instant Trust

One of the most significant benefits of print media advertising is that it creates instant trust in your audience. When placing an ad in a local newspaper, your audience is more likely to trust you from the offset because they trust the information in that local newspaper or magazine. While many consider local print media obsolete, certain mediums are still very relevant for reaching a specific demographic.

2. Print Media is Great For Last-Minute Marketing

While this may not immediately seem like a benefit, marketers need to consider that local print media, such as newspapers, are often released daily or weekly. For this reason, using these mediums for advertising enables you to place a time-sensitive ad, and you can likely expect a quick turnaround. If you’re ever in need of some effective last-minute marketing, local print media is one of the best avenues at your disposal.

3. More Likely to Reach a Highly Targeted Audience

One of the greatest advantages of advertising in the local media is that you have a much clearer idea of who you’ll be targeting. For local businesses looking to drive more traffic to their brick-and-mortar locations, local print advertising is a viable solution. When you advertise in local newspapers and magazines, you can ensure that locals see your ad, and those are precisely the type of people you should want to reach as a local business.

4. More Options in Ad Size

Local print sources often give you greater power to select an ad size that suits your campaign. Depending on your budget and the space available in the medium you’ll be using, you can design an ad that sends the message you want. While larger ad space is often preferred, running a series of ads in a smaller area has proven just as effective. With local print media, you have your pick!

5. Great For Split-Testing Advertising

Because of the nature of the cycles of local print, you are given a valuable opportunity to split-test your advertisements and collect informative data reasonably quickly. For example, marketers using local media for advertising can test different headlines with their associated coupon codes to understand which is most effective. In the long run, split-testing your ads can provide crucial insight into your consumer’s minds. You can get this information quickly and start putting it to good use even faster with advertising!

6. More Leads at a Lower Price Point

In local print advertising, the lower price point is usually the first thing that marketers think about, and for a good reason. The ability to present the company to a much more highly targeted audience at a fraction of the cost is desirable to advertisers today. Best of all, engaging a more highly targeted audience usually results in more leads!

7. Boosting Brand Recognition

Finally, physical media often attracts greater interest from consumers as they are often more aware of what they see as they flip through the pages. Local print media allows you to become a household name in your area much faster. If you can place an ad in a newspaper consistently, this offers a massive opportunity for boosting brand recognition considerably over time. Remember, the more your company is easily recognized, the greater the chance they will buy your goods or hire you for your services.

Succeed in Local Print Media With Davant Indy!

Now that you know the true power of advertising in local print media, you’re likely ready to get started on a print campaign for your company! There is no name more trusted than Davant Indy when it comes to print advertising.

Here at Davant Indy, our specialists are highly knowledgeable of the best design and print practices. We make an effort to understand your business so that you can make the greatest impact possible (and receive the most profit). Browse our services today, and don’t forget to look at our work to see what makes us Greenfield’s most trusted printing company.

Contact us today to get started on your first local print advertising campaign!